Formal Meeting and Luncheon
Bring a dish to share and join us as we install new officers and distribute well-deserved awards to our members.
Holiday Brunch
Bring your favorite holiday dish to share. Some official business may be discussed, but friends and family are welcome to attend!
Summer Fun Party
Bring a snack to share and kick off the 2023/24 SAI year with us! Friends and family welcome!!
Formal Meeting and Lunch
Bring a dish to share for our May Luncheon. This is a formal meeting, so wear your Badge Attire.
Valentine's Day Tea
Join us for tea to celebrate Valentine’s Day! Bring your loved ones. Informal meeting to follow.
Eboard and Formal meeting
Happy New Year!
Eboard Meeting: 11am
Formal Meeting: 1pm (don’t forget Badge Attire)
Formal Meeting and Province Officer Visit
Our first formal meeting of the 22/23 year! This is a formal meeting, so wear your Badge Attire.
Online Meeting
Bring your favorite holiday brunch treat and meet us for an online gathering to celebrate the holidays!
Nixon Library Benefit Concert
Join us for our annual benefit concert at the Nixon Library. Donations will be accepted to benefit the SAI OC Alumnae Scholarship Fund
Formal Meeting and Potluck Lunch
Join us for our end of the year Potluck Lunch. Bring a dish to share!